What do you get if you take a really big dog out for a walk?
Why did the poor dog chase his own tail?
What's the difference between dogs and fleas?
"I've lost my dog!"
What's the only kind of dog you can eat?
Where does a Rottweiller sit in the cinema?
What do you get if you cross a beetle with an australian dog?
How does a dog make friends?
Why do dogs wag their tails?
What goes "woof, woof, tick, tick?"
What do you get if you cross a dog with a computer? |
What happened to the dog that ate nothing but garlic?
What's worse than raining cats and dogs?
What do you get if you cross a sheepdog with a rose?
What kind of dog sounds like you can eat it?
When is a brown dog not a brown dog?
What do you get if you cross a Rottweiller with a hyena?
What did the starving dalmatian say when he had a meal?
What is a dog's favourite food?
What's a dog's favourite flower?
What are blue-blooded, short-legged, and live in a palace?
Why don't dogs make good dancers?
What do dogs have that no other animal has? |
What did the cowboy say when the bear ate Lassie?
What do you do if a dog swallows your pen?
What do you get if you cross a jelly with a sheep dog?
What do you get if you cross a dog with concorde?
What do you get if you cross a dog with a sheep?
"I feed my dog onions every day."
Why is it every time the doorbell rings my dog goes into the
Why did the dachshund bite the woman's ankle?
Where do eskimos train their dogs?
What sort of clothes does a pet dog wear?
How do you stop a dog smelling?
What do you call a dog in the middle of a muddy road?
What's a dog's favourite hobby?
Why is it called a "litter" of puppies?
What happened when the dog went to see the flea circus?
What is the most likely time a stray dog will walk into your home?
What did the angry Father sing when he found his slippers chewed by
the puppy?
How can you tell if you have a stupid dog?
What happens when it rains cats and dogs?
What do you get if you cross a giraffe with a dog?
Why did the dog wear sneakers?
If a husky dog can stand the lowest temperatures, which
can stand the hottest?
Why do dogs bury their bones in the ground?
Why did the snowman call his dog Frost?
What do you get if you cross a dog and a cheetah?
"I had to shoot my dog!"