You will need:
One potato
Christmas greenery, eg pieces of fir, holly ivy etc
One wire coat hanger
Wire cutters
Gloves to protect your hands
Piece of wide ribbon
Florists wire
What you do:
Cut the pieces of greenery into lengths of about 15-20 cm, 6-8 inches
long using the secateurs.
Cut a length of the coat hanger enough to go through the centre of the potato
and enough to bend into a circle at both top and bottom. Push the wire
through the centre of the potato and bend the top and bottom into a loop
with the pliers.
Tie a loop of thick string to the top loop to hang the ball from later.
Tie a large bow with the ribbon to the bottom loop.
Now start to push the stems of the greenery into the potato, keeping the
greenery as tight together as possible. Try to keep the lengths of
greenery uniform, the idea is to form a ball. Carry on till you have
filled the whole surface of the potato. If you have problems getting
the stems into the potato, make a preliminary hole with a skewer. When
you've finished trim any ends if needed, then hang in the hall or outside.
If you spray it occasionally it will keep for all the festive season. |