Childrens Literature

Play some music while you look
 The Adams FamilyBaby Elephant Walk  /  Beauty and the Beast  /  The Flintstones  /  Under the Sea  /  An Octopus's Garden  /  New World  /   James Bond / The Toy Symphony

From Famous Books

Thomas the Tank Engine

Dr Seuss's Seussville!

Books( read the whole book online)

Classics for Young People

Classic fiction

221b Baker Street:Sherlock Holmes

Alice's adventures in Wonderland

Ann of Green Gables

Gulliver's Travels

Huckleberry Finn

The Jungle Book

The little Princess

Little Women

Peter and Wendy (Peter Pan)

Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm

The story of the Treasure seekers

The Swiss Family Robinson

Treasure Island

Twenty thousand leagues under the sea

White Fang

The Wind in the Willows

The Wizard of Oz


Fun Poetry and Stories for Kids


Children's storybooks online


Goodnight Stories kids site

Indian stories for kids, Hindi Stories, Stories from India

Hans Christian Anderson: Fairy Tales and stories

Kid Explorers Stories -- ChristianAnswers.Net

kids stories,math,games and singing activities

Myths and Legends (uses frames)

Reading and Writing with KidAuthors

Storybook Park

Talespin: Stories for kids

Virtual Church Kids!

Web time stories with Webster the Spider


Fairy Tale Trivia Quiz

Back to The Playroom

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Last updated and new links added June 2008

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