In the 18th century a lot of families
of Scots-Irish
planters left for America from Ireland.
They were denied access to
markets and high office by the English.
From these people
have descended at least a dozen
American Presidents:-
Andrew Jackson(7th) Boneybefore,
Carrickfergus, Co. Antrim (Open to public.);
James Knox Polk (11th) Coleraine;
James Buchanan (15th) Deroran,
Co. Tyrone.(Open to public);
Ulysses Simpson Grant (18th) Dergina,
Co. Tyrone (open to public);
Chester Alan Arthur (21st) Cullybrackey,
Co. Antrim (Open to public);
Grover Claeland (22nd and 24th) Co. Antrim;
Benjamin Harrison (23rd);
William McKinley (25th) Conagher,
Ballymoney, Co. Antrim;
Theodore Roosevelt (26th) Larne, Co. Antrim;
Woodrow Wilson (28th) Dergalt, Strabane,
Co. Tyrone (open to public).
the Kennedys' ancestoral home was in
Dunganstown, Co. Wexford.
Richard Nixon's family had roots in Dublin and
Tipperary and President Ronald Regan's
Great Grandfather, Michael Regan,
was born in Ballyporeen,
Later too during the Irish famine in the middle
of the 19th century, a great wave of emigration took
place from Ireland to America. Many now
return to trace their roots.